We are SO excited that O'So is making a come back!! Help us get the word out!
Be the one to get the MOST new people to "like" Pennywise Arts on Facebook and it's YOURS!
Here's what to do:
1. Have your friends "like" us on Facebook - if you haven't done it yet you should "like" us too! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Pennywise-Arts/142996769012
2. Ask them to post YOUR full name in the comment box so we know who referred them.
The Contest is open until the O'So arrives in about 2 weeks!
You can still place your pre-order on our website www.PennywiseArts.Com for the "retro pricing" up until the shipment arrives!
Let the all in good fun competition begin!
Pennywise Arts, where your favorite color can be clear!