Congratulations Swing Shift Designs and Pennywise Arts for celebrating 5 years artful collaboration!
Time sure flies when you're having fun! Over the last five years Michele Aiello Zendejas has created over 150 different collage sheets for PWA. She has been a part of our Design Team and has offered generous donations and freebies for PWA events . Thank you Michele!!!
This week we celebrate good friends, good fun and creative collaborations! Happy Birthday Swing Shift Designs! We are so proud to offer your gorgeous collage sheets to our customers!
Every birthday party needs cake, presents, party favors and a guest book. Somewhere on the Pennywise Arts website we have hidden this cake graphic: Find the cake, click on it and then save the collage sheet to your computer. It's our gift to you!
Michele would love for you to stop by her blog and sign her guest book this week! If you leave a comment you will be entered to win free prizes! Michele is also offering free daily party favors on her blog - so check back there every day this week!
Hugs, Suzanne